Paragliding and CIA (both make me sick)
we went paragliding and Bush wants the CIA "to pay more attention to Venezuela"
here is a link to an article by Eva Golinger about that. http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/news.php?newsno=2196
It is so irritating how the Bush dynasty corrupts everything. Venezuela is a country where 75% of the population voted and Chavez democratically won 64% of that vote. He is making drastic positive changes for regular poor and working people. He is challenging monopolies and the elite neo-liberal agenda. Check out the difference between so called Free Trade (FTAA) and ALBA, the Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America (that I am proud to have been given a Spanish name after) http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/articles.php?artno=1100
Washington politics makes me sick like paragliding did. At least para gliding was beautiful and dreamy. I was surprised I felt sick. luckily I did not have to take the advice of my pilot and turn my head "far left" to puke. Its important to go with the wind on that I guess. It was exhilarating jumping/running off the mountain and then the wind just lifted us away. I was really excited when Zarha got lifted off, I was so proud of how adventurous and brave she is. I am so glad she is my kid. She can accompany me on all the adventures. I love her! And she didn't feel sick! it was actually a smooth ride. We turned and circled and dropped a bit thou. The guide told me the motion is similar to boating so if you tend to get sick on boats you would get sick paragliding. I dont normally feel sick on boats, but I did throw up on my uncles boat once when i was a kid. Normally I am fine on boats and I LOVE flying in planes. I was a little disappointed with my stomach, I mean, I never get sick in my frequent flying dreams. hmmm. Well I controlled the sick urge and the flight was dramatic and spectacular, but I wouldn't need to do it again. Initially I thought I would take the course to learn to pilot the glider and now that dream is dead.
I have been trying to curb my sick feelings about the war in Iraq and the bush government and the lack of control we have to stop the violence and greed that is causing such turbulence all around the world. I think I WILL puke about that. I cant and shouldn't hold back. Maybe we need a puke in at the white house. The puke house.
puke snow balls or puke pies in the face of all the politicians that keep supporting these policies and cant stand up for peace or justice. puke on them.
OK I guess I am still feeling a little sick. I do find beauty in the people that educate themselves and act to change things. You inspire me, lets get sick together so we can start feeling better.
I will be ready to puke in Washington in February. Look forward to seeing you then
love in all the sickness
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