Thursday, November 23, 2006


Before I say anything, I am home schooled and I choose what I learn, and I hate spelling and grammar, thats why my spelling and grammar's so bad (it's nice to blame it on something.)

I learned a bunch of stuff so far (in the 23 hours.) First thing was that we are actually going, it's been so surreal for the months we were planing to go, I couldn't imagine it. I decided it's kinda like Florida but without understanding what anyone's saying. I don't remember what the other three things I learned was, but when I got off the plane and the person picked us up, the fourth thing I learned was there really ARE a lot of dogs here. There was a dog at the parking lot of the airport, it was one of the first things I saw, then today when we went walking around exploring, I saw a bunch of stray dogs every where, they were very friendly and some let us pet them. But they speak spanish so they were weary of us since they can't understand us, or maybe they just don't like gringos. There was also a bunch of pet dogs though, and even a pet monkey, there was also a chicken but the monkey was cooler. So I guess the people that say no Venezwalins have pets was wrong. And the dogs weren't only for guarding ether, there was a dog that looked like Sample when she was a puppy, If you don't know Sample, you should. She's going to take over the world some day.

There was some stuff I learned between learning about the dogs, but I forgot about them.

The next things I learned wasn't that interesting but I'll say them anyways, cacharro/a Is a the word for puppy, it's hard to tell if they're male or female though so I call them all cacharro, the males would be more insulated to be called females than females male probably, but there puppies, they probably don't care either way.I also learned that nice is simpatico, it's a long word just for the word nice. I also relearned little pacania I think I spelled that wrong though. I also learned watermelon, but I forgot it.

Dawn said that it was interesting going from to high annoying security in USA to not enough in Venezuela.
Thinking on that I prefer Venezuela, just because it's not TO low on security, just low enough to not be annoying.

Dawn also say's that we might stay an extra month, and that we will probably go through the Amazon, that'll be fun, we can also go to see the huge water fall if we do that.

I took some pictures, apparently I'm the official camera man........person.....thingamajig.....yeah. well If I can figure out how I'll put the pictures on this page, well on a diffrent page, since i want to post them and Dawn wont let me unload the pictures, or whatever you call it...

And, me and Dawn might work on a documentary or something when we get back home witch might be in FOUR months not three....but I already say that.

Well now just because I'm bored, I will say my experiences.



Well... when I woke up there was this loud speaker thing that was talking in spanish, it sounded like the police telling up to get out of the house with out hands up and to drop our weapons, but Andy said he thought it was a campaign, and Dawn thought it was bulldozers telling us there going to demolish the place, but the person we are staying with for now said it was probably a fruit advertisement or something.

Then we walked and that was when I saw the dogs, I also got a picture of the pet monkey we saw, I don't think it liked the camera though.

I also got a picture of a chicken, I don't know what it was doing, but it looked busy.

Dawn says we might bring a dog back from Venezuela, but I know it's not gonna happen, the laws are so tough that they wouldn't let her take a dead turkey, instead she brought a rubber chicken, I like that better.

But it's nice to wish about getting a brown dog and naming it Flamingo.

We never see stray cats here. Not that there aren't any, there just not as social as the stray dogs.

I haven't seen any pineapples yet, but if I do I'll take a picture of it and put it on here, though I will not get any pictures of paper clips. I don't think they even have any here....hopefully.

Yeah well now I can't think of anything else to say to satisfy my boredom, so I'll have to find another way.

Sincerely: Zarha, Lord Stinky Shoe, IceDragon, Pineapple Lover, Paperclip Hater, Macaroni, .......Person That Can't Think of Any Other Cool Names.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Zarha
I am having a hard time figuring out this blogging scene! I posted a message for Dawn but it doesn't seem to work. This well be a learning experience. It sounds like you are having a good time, I can't wait to see your pictures. Emily wanted me to tell you that she ran her first 8k yesterday. We ran the Turkey Trot with 8,000 other people and she did amazing! Maddison wasn't into running it this year and decided she would do it when she nine. I will show them your post tonight. We all send our love, KAZ

8:51 AM  

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