Christmas in Corro
We have landed for several days in this small cozy town just a bit south of this grand peninsula and desert area. This town is the cleanest thus far, and has the longest standing architecture from back in the days of hundreds and hundreds of years ago. It is such a magical little town with cobble stone streets and a divine Cathedral. It must be wedding season because this one church is churning out the married couples. At night all we see is brides and wedding goers all dressed up and trying to walk on the cobblestone with heels. that's funny!
our posada is owned by this french expat who is married to a Venezuelan and they have a cute 3yr old boy. Their posada has a really beautiful courtyard full of hammocks and animals. It is quite the international scene. Lots of backpack travelers from all over the world. We are the only people from the States. We don't run into many travelers from the States and when we do its almost an unspoken code to ignore each other. weird.
We had a crazy bus ride into this town. the driver went about 90mph and tailgated so close to the bus in front it was only a hand length away. That was certainly an adrenaline rush! I curse a lot in English here and that was one of the times! I cant imagine the bus ride down to Merida through the Andes Mt's. yikes. After Christmas we are heading to Maracaibo the hottest city on earth (or in South America, I stand corrected!) and the one with most indigenous people in Venezuela.
Santa is having a heck of a time here. Need to find small simple things to travel with and shopping on the 24th is never easy! wow. the lines and chaos! There is a couple IOUs among the gifts from Sant this year. We will have a relaxing Feliz Navidad fiesta with all the expats at the posada tonight. I guess nino Jesus will come and bring presents. I hope I get a horseback ride in the desert this Christmas and the abilities I need to learn to kite sail!
We are really on the vacation leg of our journey now. Just soaking up the sun, exploring new places and trying to find all the foods we like is enough work everyday!
Santa had better get out off the Internet the last shopping hours are running out and the elves are closing shop soon.
Happy holidays and continue to fight for justice and peace in Oaxaca and Iraq!
Ahhh... you guys must not have gotten the memo... See below. Ted-
We elves are pissed, the workshop has been torched, Santa and the Mrs. are besieged in their mansion, and Rudolph has a score to settle with some Reindeer.
Our demands are the removal of the evil tyrant and slave owner Santa and his accomplice Mrs. Clause, worker control of the means of production, an end to Reindeer exploitation, overtime pay, weekends, and holidays off!
If our demands aren't met, Christmas gets it!
-the Elves
Santa has just brought in the Storm Trooopers. Word has it scab elves are being brought in despite the anti-scab legisilation of 1512.
Christmas will go on.
thanks for the kind words D
and the elves protest went off as planned and every playstation 3 will break 3 Months after its purchase.
enjoy warmth.
Hi Dawn and Fam! Just found your blog. Haven't read it all, but finding it interesting. Happy Holidays from upstate NY! In the land that time forgot (Seneca Falls, aka "Bedford Falls"). I'll continue to get caught up...safe travels and try to avoid the 90 mph buscoaster rides! Pam Lambert
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