Friday, December 01, 2006

Political Fireworks

Tonight after more than a half hour of fireworks going off like close artillery and bomb explosions all over the city, everything is back to normal. The opposition were also banging on pots and pans, blowing whistles, honking horns. All this was setting off car alarms, dogs madly barking as smoke wafted throughout the sky. A Repeat of last weekend. I was told that this past Saturday's explosions were the last hurrah of the opposition, but I guess tonight was the last, last pep rally of fireworks for the opposition. That is the common term here. Opposition. That refers to those who support Manuel Rosales and who are strongly against Chavez. A more derogatory term, that we have fun using as gringos, is esqalido. This is a word Chavez used to talk about the opposition and we hear many Chavistas (Chavez supporters) use. Im not sure of the exact translation in Spanish. But it sounds like something dirty. Maybe referring to the dirty tactics of the opposition with the coup and the lockouts that shut down the city for 64 days. I like the way the Chavistas spit it out partially under their breaths accompanied by a little hissing sound. A dirty word for those who support dirty tactics. The opposition is already calling the election a fraud, saying it is rigged and machines are already programmed with votes for Chavez. Actually, there are international observers at all the polling places, observers and witnesses from both parties. I like how Eva Golinger describes Rosales as similar to Bush. Not very intelligent and overly scripted. Rosales will speak at his rally with a couple repeated simple sentences and then some catchy jingo music will play. Trying to make a feel good campaign full of distractions. He says he will keep the various Missions, the general name of the many social programs Chavez along with the Bolivarian revolution has set up. However, Rosales has also said he wants to send the Cuban doctors back to Cuba. that would dismantle the medical missions called Barrio Adentro Barrio Adentro has been one of the most successful programs giving free medical treatment to those living in barrios who cannot afford health care.
Soon we will post Eva Golinger's presentation. She has documented how Rosales's campaign is supported by the United States. Even though it is illegal for political parties to take money from other countries, they find ways around it by lying and covering up. Rosales was involved with the coup in 2002 to over throw democratically elected Chavez and all the branches of government. Rosales signed the coup decree papers and hugged Carmona on camera for all the world to see. Due to the outrage of the people, Roslaes latter made some lame excuses saying he didn't know what the paper was about or what was really happening with the coup. It is reason enough not to elect a candidate who supported an illegal coup violating the peoples constitution of his country while allying with United States empire.

stay tuned for our next post.... Gringos in MiraFlores.....A press conference with Chavez that we attended as international press in the presidential palace

off for a busy day of meetings at various television stations and with community leaders.
I am thinking about all the trinkets I can by for you dear readers when I have time to shop. Hopefully next week. Much love


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