Sunday, November 26, 2006

I love my sandals

No really, I do, we were walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking, more than Andy and Dawn were talking and talking the first night. And they talked a lllllllllllllllllooooottttt. So when we got on the metro to go home I thought 'My sandals are cool, if it weren't for them my feet would be REALLY uncomfortable.' Well they already were, since we walked so much and Andy and Dawn seemed to be immune to the torture of walking. Well I'm not, but it would of been MORE torture if I hadn't had any shoes, or if I had sneakers on which would of made my feet REALLLLYYY hot. So yeah. I love my sandals....of course, no offense to the sandals....I don't love them as much as pineapple...............So yeah, yesterday all we did is walked and walked, I wore my paperclip shirt to see if it would help my didn't, whenever I looked in a mirror I jumped, and sometime almost screamed.......OHHH and Dawn says SHE thought of the dog thing, maybe she did I thought I did but she probably did and I just forgot because of that bump of my head......*cough* eh yeah....I REALLY did bump my head eh...hehe *cough* :) yeah, Dawn gets credit for that I guess..........Well so after we walked and walked and walked dawn insisted that we WALKED some more, so we went to a grocery store (the same one where that 'incident' happened) and I waited and waited and waited and waited until my legs felt like falling off (not that they already didn't) Then, luckily we were close to home so we FINALY went home.
Today I had to walk and walk too, but it wasn't that bad for two reasons.
2. Because my legs were used to it.
2. Because we didn't walk quite so much.
2. Because we did fun stuff while we walked.
So yeah those are my two reasons... I also have two reasons why it was worse.

2. Because Andy got lost.

Those are my two bad reasons.

Fireworks are going off now, they're cool, I got some pictures of them, only one was good, fireworks are hard to take pictures of. the fireworks not as bright as last night but there enough to set the dogs off. One bark sounded like Sample, made me miss her. It also sets the fire alarms off, I hear about 5 fire trucks right now.

So the words I learned today (today and yesterday really) were...ehh...I like lists.

2. Mira, thats look.
2. entonces, chances are, I spelled that wrong, that means either there or that, I got them confused.
2. Ailli, I think I spelled that wrong too. it's pronounced aiie. That one also is there or that, I THINK this one it there and entrances is that, it could be the other way around, or one could be this......
Well it's something that starts with a T :)

2. Ir, and some longer word I think, Is go. I might of already knew that though, I'm not sure.
2. Como can also be what as well as how, witch is odd since que is already what, but I don't make the rules, I only enforce them....I've always wanted to say that, hehe.
2. Palaceo Blanco is the 'white palace' I think thats like the white house and it's where Chavez lives, I'm not sure.
2. assemble' N something is where all the important people gather to talk.
2. different, is different, it's spelled the same but pronounced differently. Hehe get it Differently? bah.

I also relearned how to ask the time.

There was a band thingy today, it was in spanish so I didn't under stand it, but it was cool.

We went on this thing, like a chair lift at a skiing place, but it goes really high, on our way down, Andy freaked out, he kept thinking we were going to fall. He's scared of heights..... And snakes.....

So it was awesome, I got some pictures and Dawn got some pictures. There were dogs up there, there are dogs EVERY WHERE. Same for there. I didn't really want to know how they got up there, but they were really out of shape, all scuffed up and thin, I don't think they understood spanish, or english. So when we were up Dawn sat down and me and Andy looked for stuff, at the time I thought it was a way down but then it turned out that you take the chair lift down, so we must have been looking for a trail or something, we never found anything, there WAS and ice skating rink though, imagine that, an ice skating rink in a place that stays 60-90 degrees all year round. Though I wasn't as surprised as when I found out that they had ice skating rinks in Florida... so we went back to where dawn was and we waited, for a loooooong time and then there was a band thing that played, then we went home. And thats when andy got lost, but at least...............I just remembered haha loser, i knew there was something I was forgetting...hehe haha stupid memory, yeah so I had to give up veganism till I get back, I stopped the first day but I kept forgetting. Yeah, it's hard enough being a vegetarian, this place is a culture based on meat, I went into a bakery and they had pizza, but EVERY SINGLE PIZZA had meat, the ham, the sausage, though there was no pepperoni.... So yeah, every thing I eat has some kind of cheese or something, even the snacks have honey mostly. Yeah. so that is awesome. So At least we didn't have to stop at the store like last time. There's probably something else that my stupid memory that I ACTUALLY REMEMBERED SOMETHING FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is forgetting but for now.

Sincerely: Person Who is Sick Of Saying Sincerely.

This blog entry is dedicated to pineapple, whom I miss dearly.....although there's a whole wall of it down the street.