Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Name shmame who needs em.....well... they ARE usfull for giving excuses of murdering ice cream and whoever likes it.......muahahahahha

OK, so I've worked out a schedule, the computer also did but thats not so important, it just decided that it world only go online after 12 something in the morn...afternoon...(one our time, I still go by Rochester time since my computer is set on it, I think after I wright this I'll change, not that time really matters here...)
But that's not so important, well my schedule isn't really either but not so much I wright is important anyways. So my schedule is this, from 6-9 here time (As in Venezuela time.) I like Venezuela, and from 9:01-1 I don't, then from about 1-1:30 I do, then 1:30-2 I don't then I like it from there once we go out, I worked up that schedule since it's nice to when I'm not going to like it. But now that I'm a bit used to Venezuela I think I'll just quit (really hate little Q's for some reason...) the Schedule and play around with making a schedule for working on my Harry Potter spanish book........Well I'm my eyes I'm been doing nicely, in Dawns eyes its funny that I'm still on the first page, actually, I might of been on the second, but I decided to go over and make sure I memorized all the words, either way, Dawn thinks it's funny, though she blames it on that I usually such a fast reader, bleh. (I like that word, along with spiffing, hehe, eh, and pineapple and Moo™...) Well, I think it's sort of funny to since the page it half the size of a normal page, so she can laugh at me, I would to if I wasn't so focused in learning it, it's really fun if I have nothing else to do. I'm learning to pronounce the words g...well (hehe) With the E's and the A's and all the confusingness about it... By the way, apparently confusingness is not a word.....

I wore my paper clip shirt again, it didn't help in the slightest, though I didn't jump when I looked in the mirror, I jumped when I saw the REAL paperclips of dawns microphone....... So.......I had a dream about my friends, it made me homesick andy said it'll go away I said it wouldn't, we made a bet, though I'm not sure how much....probably a quarter or 50 cents, witch is worthless here anyways......

So, yesterday we got a tour of the whole place, I took pictures but it was sorta hard since we were in a car and it was moving, I almost got a picture of pineapple but it was a conspiracy against me and I ended up not, but before that I got one or two pictures of real pineapple, I'm not sure what their status is, but I'll try and get them on flikr. Before that, we just walked around the neighborhood, Dawn wanted to find a cafe' she liked but she didn't, once she had found the space cafe the day before yesterday, she just wanted to find a bunch more cool cafe's that sold frozen yogurt. We never did. So then we went back and I waited for every one to be ready, then we went on the driving tour, I didn't listen to to much since I was busy thinking of pictures....and pineapple, though I don't even know why I have to say that I was thinking of it...Sooo yeah, but I did learn a bit about Caracas, which still sounds like carcass to me. . . . . I have nothing better to do, so I put spaced in the dots, lame huh? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this IS fun though . . . . . . . . . ., bleh, I messed up, eh, well....*cough* ah well. . . So during the tour we stopped in a Children hospital, I didn't really want to be in a CHILDREN hospital, not that anyone particularly cared... oops . . . . . . better, OK, well so I decided not to not like it, I didn't like it but it was good enough, although, next time, I should also remind my self not to be nervous, I kept thinking I would trip and fall down stairs or something, hospitals can do that to you, so even though I didn't not like it, it was still hard not to run out of there, I did get some cool pictures though. And something smells like onions right now for some . . . . . . So then we got dropped of somewhere and had to cross a billion streets and roads, it was adrenylon (I think I spelled that wrong) filling, dawn said it was like us crossing the lake in mane, that wasn't really adrenylon filling as much as fun, me and pluto had a war with the water. . . . . .not a REAL . . . . . . yay, OK, so yeah, when we crossed al the roads, Andy said to follow him, and we walked until we decided that we should ask some one since we should of been there by 'now' (then, but that wouldn't of really made sense, not that now does either.) So it tuned out if had been the opposite direction then andy had said, so we walked back down and got lost a few more times, I made a bunch of revelations, the most important one was that In liked Garfield 1 more than 2, I don't know why since generally I hate T.V. But I guess the other ones weren't that important, the other ones were something along the line of that if hamburgers where red the would look like the superman symbol, that it smelled really bad, that I should stick closer to Dawn and Andy because they kept getting to far ahead, and that zombies and clones were roaming the street.
So, then after getting lost..ehh....about 5-7 different times, we FINALY got there and listened to someone speak, apparently it was very interesting, but I liked Charlie's thing better, he told more jokes and stuff, but someone told me that Chavez called the person that was speaking, 'a true revolutionist.' Thats cool, but pineapple's cooler...

So I'm probably forgetting something, but if I can't remember it, how am I supposed to type it? That WAS actually a rhetorical . . . . . . . . . . Ok, so I messed up on the spaces in the dots, who really cares. . . . . .I don't and if you do then I'll beg Bulavingar to come and kill you (Yes I know I stole his name from the golden compass, it's not like I'm making money off his name)

So the reason this is a bit shorter then the others is that It's only one days worth, and the reason that I'm trying to explaing something that disn't really needexplaing since it dosn't really matter is because I have nothing better to do, and the reason I have......OK.... . . . . So I'm rambling....who really cares.. . . . . . . ehm, that WAS another rhetorical question..... . . . . . . . . . .

Since..... . . . . . umm..... . . . unsincerely: . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . Person That Doesn't Care if You Don't Like Me Messing Up On My C.O.O.L Dots.

(whoever didn't get that, I feel bad for you, unless you're named Nat or Emma in which case I just think your incredibly stupid than we already presumed that you were.........Witch I didn't think was possible, and I also didn't think it was possible for a person to be able to ramble while typing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Pineapple...)

... ...

____ hehe